YOGA IN LIFE : Child's Pose

This is a new mini series where I explore the connection between yoga poses and real life. I hope you will enjoy it. 

Today we explore CHILD'S POSE

When the energy is changing we must ground first before we can immerse ourselves in the new. Especially on this special weekend that marks Mental Health Awareness we must remember the importance of replenishing and turning inwards and explore our inner landscape. Child's pose is a great way to do that because it gives you the opportunity to slow down, turn inward and be with the moment as you close out everything around you. 

This week I invite you to take as long as 5-10 minutes in child pose to really let your body and mind explore everything that you feel, sense and experienced recently.

Ground yourself into your being, into your body so that you can start this honest conversation with yourself.

Get into it:
🧘‍♀️ Come onto your mat, feet together, knees slightly apart
🧘‍♀️ Reach the arms out long in front of you
🧘‍♀️ Breath deeply and let your body melt down with each breath

How to modify?
 Place a cushion or two in your knee crease or lift your hip up towards a puppy stretch
 If you have a bolster or more cushion/pillows gently fold over it
 You can also place the hands wider or in a cactus arms if it is more comfortable for your shoulder

In this moment I even encourage you to do a brain dump on a paper, or in your journal so you can get really clear on the important bits and the not so important bits. You never know you might have flushes of ideas and realisations that you want to remember later. 

Give it a go and see how all the new doors start to open further.

With love 

Rita Cox