YOGA IN LIFE : Dancer Pose

This is a new mini series where I explore the connection between yoga poses and real life. I hope you will enjoy it. 

Today we explore DANCER POSE

Two very common phrases that are used on a daily basis. Especially nowadays. It is trendy to expand and to grow. Sounds just like any other new craze.

Until the beginning of this year when we really had to practice real expansion and real growth.

While we grow up we are constantly learning and exploring. We awe everything that is happening to us like magic. Without consciously knowing we expand and create space for all the new knowledge, experience and greatness that we collect throughout our lives.

And then when we perceive ourselves as "adults" and all of a sudden we enter into a phase where we forget how important it is to keep learning and growing, until we realise that we are stuck.

This realisation can come in the form of feeling unhappy, not moving forward in your career, feeling constantly overwhelmed and unmotivated.

At that time we have two choices:

Staying stuck


Choose to expand and grow to a new level.

Dancer Pose is a great example of the vastness that we can reach in all dimensions when we decide to step on the path of growth and expansion.

The most beautiful dancer pose has the heart shining through the front of the body, the arms like the rays of sun reaching out and long and it is all rooted firmly in the solid foundation of the leg.

The most beautiful dancer pose is not made overnight, unless you are a dancer or a gymnast. Usually it takes practice and patience.

It is not the pose that comes easily for me but it feels good and it feels open every time I practice it. Give it a go and expand one breath at a time.

Come to the top of the mat

Bring the right hand out, palm facing up

Place the right top of the foot i your right hand

Reach the left arm up, keep the inner thighs engaged

As you inhale, root down firmly and reach out long

On your exhale start kicking into your right hand and reach forward and up until you feel open and balanced

If this is too much and you need to modify it please do hit reply ad ask away or use a strap around the ankle instead of grabbing the foot to lessen the impact on the shoulder and the knee.

And remember the only way you can expand and grow in the posture as well as in life if you pause from time to time and take a deep breath. Appreciate how far you have come and be bold enough to reach new heights.

Be open to all the possibilities but stand firmly in your ground.

Inhale, create space.
Exhale, go to that space.

With Love ,

Rita Cox